Welcome to ACMS



Agape Christian Montessori School (ACMS) is a Christian, nurturing, fun, and supportive learning environment for all children and families. Each child has the opportunity to experience academic and personal success in God’s love, through the teachers’ modeling of Christ-likeness at work. This means that we are committed to providing a friendly, gentle, understanding, and forgiving environment, in which the child is holistically enriched. We are committed to treating children with respect and dignity to help them develop to their full potential.
Our program aims to meet the individual needs of children ages 18 months to 5 years through our Toddler and CASA programs. We are located at the Japanese Gospel Church of Toronto, in Scarborough, Ontario. Welcome to ACMS!


We believe that, by God’s creative design, each child is competent; capable of complex thought; curious about the world; and rich in potential. Central to our work at ACMS is diversity, equity, and inclusion. We welcome families of all backgrounds and children with diverse abilities.
Maria Montessori said, “Our aim…is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his innermost core.” Children are natural learners, and our educators prepare a safe environment that stimulates the child’s curiosity, and allows the child to take initiative to explore and engage in learning.



1 How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years (2014)
2 Excerpts from “ELECT” (2014)
3 To Educate the Human Potential (1989)

ACMS adopted this logo since September 1st, 2015. Three people are depicted to represent the triune God as the head of our school, and also to demonstrate that the school runs with the co-operation of God, the teachers, and the student families. The colours are chosen according to our Montessori curriculum. The three people join hands to form a heart, symbolizing our community of love and support.